The Rock

The Rock

I was in the Spirit floating over a body of water. It was a large lake. I was about 15 feet above the surface of the water. Looking up, I witnessed a big rock drop out of the sky. As the rock passed by me I began to travel with it as it continued toward the water. Down through the water’s surface the rock plunged, falling to the lake’s floor. I plunged into the lake along with the rock until I was several feet above the bottom of the lake. I had been surprised by the falling rock and delighted to be able to fall with it into the water. I have had dreams in which I could breathe under water, but those were just dreams and here I was really breathing under water. I felt the water flow into my lungs but it it did not burn nor did I choke. As I floated below the lake’s surface I was keenly aware that the rock’s plunge into the lake was effecting change throughout the whole lake. There was not just one huge ripple that spread out from where the rock dropped, but several concentric rings rippled across the surface above me. In fact, all of the water in the lake was responding to the rock. The Holy Spirit moved me along the lake’s bottom toward shore. I watched the vegetation sway. The sand and even rocks were moved out of their places. Some were washed away and others only slightly rolled with the pressure of the moving water. The lake was alive with movement. As the crest of the first small wave washed upon the shore the movement began to sway back towards the point where the rock entered the lake. Everything that had moved toward the shore now rolled back in the opposite direction, though the impact was slowly weakening.

The vision stopped and the Lord said to me, “Paul, this is the way it is with prophecy.  The word is spoken and the power plunges into earth’s time. Everything is affected. You can spend years looking at the effects of my spoken word. All is affected. But Paul, I want you to FOLLOW THE ROCK. I AM the Rock.”

I understood what He was saying to me. He is more important than what is revealed about Him. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. It is all about Him.

I follow the Rock. I love Him more than what He says, yet how can I help but also love what He is saying.